Jesus 1st Others 2nd Yourself 3rd = JOY
Generations Joining Together to Bring Glory to God
“I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth” 3 John 1:4
Who will go to those in care facilities? “Then I heard the Lord asking, whom shall I send as messenger to this people? Who will go for us? I said, “Here I am. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

"This experience for me, made me realize that regardless of our age, gender, and experiences, we are all people. We all need one another. I truly felt like I was blessed to be able to have so many people open their hearts to me and hear their stories. There is nothing like it!"
"I expected the residents to receive at least a little joy from my visit, but what I did not expect was what I got in return. I left with such a warm feeling inside, I could not wait to come back and visit again. I was surprised at what little effort it took to put a smile on someone's face and change their whole day."
"As a child, my mom always wanted us to be busy and use our time in a productive manner serving others. During the times of practices and performances, we had a lot of laughs and made new friendships. More importantly, seeing the joy on the residents' faces was something I'll never forget. Now my own children are involved in putting on plays and it has been such a blessing to watch them give of themselves to make others happy. It has truly taught them the meaning of selflessness and has also given them more confidence in the process. I am so thankful for these experiences for myself as a child and my own children!"
"At first I thought that putting on plays for nursing homes was going to be boring. It wasn't until after the first play I realized how it made me feel when I saw the smiles on the seniors faces. When I looked out at them I could see them clapping and smiling and it made me smile. It made me realize how good it feels to give to others. I didn't feel a lot of pressure to be perfect and I realized that after I messed up on a line that no matter what they will listen to you, without a care if you aren't perfect."
About Us
Contagious Joy Mission Statement: Equipping young leaders with the word of truth to bring the joy of Jesus through plays, skits and songs.
Hi, I'm Leica, the founder of Contagious Joy. One year, as summer was getting close when my children were young, I envisioned what their summer would be like if they were watching a lot of TV. I thought of those in care facilities, how they would enjoy a visit, and how they would love to hear children sing and perform a play. The more I thought about it the more God confirmed this as I read his Word in John 13:34 “A new command I give you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you should love one another. Your love for one another will prove to the world you are my disciples.”
At first my children were not enthusiastic about the idea of performing a play in care facilities. I decided to ask some family and neighbors to join us – then they started to become more interested. In August 1995, these plays were performed in several care homes throughout our community. Afterwards they began to see how really giving of themselves brought more joy than they anticipated.

Contagious Joy Guide Book
- Over 25 years of Experience. Lessons Learned / Dos and Don'ts
- Tips for Connecting One-On-One with Residents
- Notes to Directors: A Call to Action
- Notes to Young Leaders (Cast Members)
- Special Instruction for the "Introvert" Who May Struggle With Being Part of a Play.
- 5 Full-Length Play Scripts (Each Approx. 45 Minutes Long)
- Check out the Videos tab to see samples of our plays.
- 10 Skits (2-10 minutes long. Works well with children's busy schedules. Can be done with 1-5 people.)
- Character Notes, Prop Lists, Song Cue Sheets, and Much More